Product Liability
3m Military Earplugs
The settlement process in the 3M earplug lawsuit takes place on July 15, 2022. Settlement discussions will last about three days. Both sides of the lawsuit must “engage in serious and good-faith efforts to resolve as many cases as possible.” The judge in this case indicated that if settlements are not reached, the federal court system will likely be flooded with 3M earplug trials. There are currently 233,883 plaintiffs with 3M earplug cases in the United States. If a settlement cannot be reached, then the cases will be tried in district courts. It is important to contact a 3M lawsuit attorney now so that you can get the compensation you deserve if there is a settlement. Attorney Paul Mankin has been asked when the 3M earplug lawsuit will settle. Although no specific date can be identified, the July 2022 negotiations are a good indicator that it will happen soon. Call us at 800-219-3577 to discus your case.
After a two-week trial, a federal jury in Pensacola, Florida awarded Army veteran James Beal $77.5 million in damages for his injuries associated with 3M defective earplugs that caused hearing loss and tinnitus. This makes a total of $300 million awarded to plaintiffs against 3M so far. Also in May 2022, a Colorado judge cut a verdict from $55 million to $21.7 million. This was solely because of legal or statutory limits on punitive damages that may be awarded under Colorado laws. In mid-May, 3M’s defense lawyers were hit with sanctions for “willful abuse of the trial process” in a lawsuit involving plaintiff Army veteran James Beal. The judge indicated that 3M lawyers have caused frustration for more than two years and they are trying to defy long-standing procedural rules regarding depositions. The judge in the Beal case also granted a Summary Judgment Motion that blocks 3M from presenting nearly all available affirmative defenses, including contributory negligence. May also brought about the dismissal of more than 20,000 3M earplug lawsuits in the class action. The cause was failure to file paperwork related to the plaintiffs’ military service. This essential misstep is why it’s so important to work with an attorney who is familiar with class action cases. Attorney L. Paul Mankin diligently works with clients to ensure all legal documents are properly drafted and proper paperwork is filed on time. You can call us today at 800-219-3577
So far, nearly 300,000 soldiers have filed lawsuits against the company, and there may be thousands more who can make claims. Combat Arms earplugs left our service members unprotected from high-level sounds that resulted in permanent damage to their ears, and for some, complete hearing loss. If you have questions about whether you qualify for a 3M lawsuit, you should immediately contact L. Paul Mankin. You must act soon to if you want to take part in settlement negotiations. Call us at 800-219-3577
Although jury verdicts tend to be large in the 3M earplug cases, a settlement will probably result in less financial compensation per person. This will be balanced by the fact that you can get an immediate payout and you won’t have to spend most of your money on legal fees, discovery costs, and other typical court expenses. You can still expect to get tens of thousands of dollars, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, by reaching a settlement with 3M. To find out how much money you can get in a 3M lawsuit, call our 3M lawsuit attorney at 800-219-3577
The Law Office of Paul Mankin represents people in personal injury, consumer protection, and product liability cases out of our California office. We’re passionate about helping our clients gain significant financial recoveries and protecting consumers from fraudulent practices. We take a personal approach to each case, working with you to create a favorable case outcome, whether in or out of the courtroom.
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