Paul Mankin, Esq. Biography


Paul Mankin, Esq. Biography

Location: California
Phone: 800-219-3577
Fax: 323-207-3885

Prior to attending law school, I didn’t realize how much everyday consumers need legal protection from unscrupulous business and insurance companies. I had this idea that it was mostly large businesses that used lawyers to deal with their business disputes or people who had been accused of breaking the law needing a criminal defense attorney.

But, after going to law school, externing for two bankruptcy court judges, working at a personal injury firm, and then being in practice for almost 10 years, I now see how often people are taken advantage of by large corporations and insurance companies. I have found it doesn’t matter what education level or income level you have, consumers are under constant attack.

During law school, I externed for two bankruptcy court judges in Orange County, CA and saw first hand how vicious creditors are to everyday people during a good and a bad economy. Many of these individuals had been injured in an accident and their injuries prevented them from working. Ultimately, they lost their jobs because of the amount of time they needed to take off from work. After that they couldn’t afford health insurance and became buried in medical bills. Their creditors forced these people into bankruptcy by trying to take their homes or the remaining money they had in their bank accounts. Surprisingly, many of the creditors were breaking the law in their attempts to collect the money owed.

After law school, I worked at a well-respected personal injury law firm in Beverly Hills, CA. There I saw how insurance companies do everything they can to not help people who have been seriously injured by the wrongful and negligent acts of others. My clients regularly worried about whether their injuries would heal to the point of where they were before the accident, how they were going to pay their medical bills, and how they were going to travel to work because the insurance company was attempting to delay payment to repair my clients’ vehicles. Now my clients who had done nothing wrong and were injured through no fault of their own started getting creditor calls starting this vicious cycle.

That is why when I started my own law firm in 2009, I decided to fight big insurance companies by helping people who are injured. Whether my clients are injured in an auto accident, slip and fall, dog bite, defective medical device, or in any other way caused by the negligence of someone else, I want to help get them the medical treatment they need to get better, their medical bills paid, their car repaired (if a car accident), the wages they lost from being out of work back, and any other compensation they deserve.

Additionally, I help people who are being bullied by debt collectors and credit reporting agencies. Debt collectors often prey on people when they are at their weakest showing no compassion or sympathy for the difficult situations of others. And, these debt collectors consistently break the law while doing so.


Consumers Rights Litigation
Tenant Rights Litigation
Personal Injury


California, 2009


Whittier Law School: J.D.- 2008
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California
B.S., Bachelor of Science – 2003
Major: Finance

The Law Office of Paul Mankin represents people in personal injury, consumer protection, and product liability cases out of our California office. We’re passionate about helping our clients gain significant financial recoveries and protecting consumers from fraudulent practices. We take a personal approach to each case, working with you to create a favorable case outcome, whether in or out of the courtroom.

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