Is the debt collection agency Apex Asset Management, LLC harassing you?
What is Apex Asset Management, LLC?
Founded in 1997 by Jeff Holloway and its current president, Mr. John S. Kline, the company launched and originally operated under the name Account Management Services, LLC (AMS). In 2013, the company was rebranded as Apex Asset Management, LLC, claiming they have a “proprietary 270/271 batch eligibility engine with a direct connection to several major payers, ensuring no health insurance coverage goes undiscovered for our clients.” The debt collector provides third-party payer and patient debt collection services that approach recoveries from a client-based first-party perspective.
Is Apex Asset Management, LLC a legit Debt Collection Agency?
Yes, they are legitimate. Apex Asset Management, LLC has been recognized by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since August 1999 but is not BBB-accredited and the BBB listing has not been claimed by the business owner. While Apex Asset Management, LLC appears to be legitimate in a technical sense, the majority of their debt collection business appears to be conducted under the name Account Management Services, LLC (AMS) or another unidentified alias.
Apex Asset Management, LLC Contact Information:
2501 Oregon Pike, Suite 102
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 519-1770 (phone)
(888) 592-2144 (toll free phone)
(888) 592-2149 (toll free fax)
What kind of complaints does Apex Asset Management, LLC have against them?
Apex Asset Management, LLC has received 22 BBB consumer complaints and 90 Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) complaints. The substantial majority of complaints allege the collector’s harassment of the complainants in the form of repeated phone calls and attempts to collect amounts that the collector knows to be inaccurate. If the consumers’ allegations are true, then Apex Asset Management, LLC very well may have violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (RFDCPA).
Are Apex Asset Management, LLC‘s Practices Legal?
It is illegal under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) for a debt collector to attempt collection on an amount more than you owe, which appears to be a somewhat common practice for Apex Asset Management, LLC. It is also unlawful for a debt collector to make other false statements about the amount or the nature of the debt (e.g., tacking on their own fee and calling it ‘interest’) or about the actions they intend to take, such as threatening legal action over bad debt. If Apex Asset Management, LLC has used any of these practices in collection efforts against you, you might have a claim against them. Harassment and other unlawful collector practices could entitle you up to $1,000 in statutory damages, actual damages, and other state and federal remedies.
How can I defend myself against a debt collector like Apex Asset Management, LLC?
Complaints regarding Pennsylvania-based collectors can be made by submitting an online complaint form at Complaints regarding a debt collector in any state may be filed with the Federal Trade Commission at or (877) FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), and complaints regarding any collector or other business can be made at BBB complaints.
If you believe you have a claim for collector harassment or are a victim of another violation of state or federal debtor’s rights, you should speak with a consumer rights lawyer or debt collector harassment attorney immediately. Contact us today to discuss your matter and see how we can help at no cost to you.
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