Is the debt collection agency Anchor Receivables Management harassing you?
What is Anchor Receivables Management?
Anchor Receivables Management, which primarily conducts business under the name “Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC” or “Pra III, LLC,” is a multi-location debt collector specializing in buying distressed debt. Founded in Virginia and incorporated in Delaware in 1996, the collections agency now has approximately 1,400 employees and does a substantial volume of business across the country.
Is Anchor Receivables Management a legit Debt Collection Agency?
Yes, Anchor Receivables Management is a legitimate debt collector, but they are not particularly well known for conducting business under that name. Under their primary alias, Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, they have been recognized by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 1996, have been BBB-accredited since December 27, 1996, and maintain an A+ BBB rating.
Anchor Receivables Management Contact Information:
140 Corporate Blvd
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 519-9300 (phone)
(800) 772-1413 (alt. phone)
(757) 321-6278 (alt. phone)
What kind of complaints does Anchor Receivables Management have against them?
Anchor Receivables Management and its alias operations have received 1,338 BBB customer complaints and 11,848 Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) complaints. Notably, the debt collector has been the subject of numerous consumer complaints alleging inaccurate debt postings with credit reporting agencies, prompting requests for the removal of the inaccurate information. In many cases, Anchor has continued to report inaccurate information and/or has fought consumer requests by providing information they know, or should know, to be inaccurate or outdated. If these allegations are true, Anchor Receivables Management will have violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (RFDCPA), and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
Are Anchor Receivables Management’s Practices Legal?
Just because Anchor Receivables Management is a legitimate debt collector, that does not mean they do not use immoral or unlawful collection tactics. If you have received harassing calls from phone numbers associated with Anchor Receivables Management or from Anchor employees using false numbers, your rights might be violated. Likewise, if Anchor Receivables Management continues to call you after you have made a formal request for them to cease calling and/or have notified them that they debt attempting to be collected either belongs to someone else or otherwise is not owed by you, you may have a claim against Anchor Receivables Management for debt collection harassment. Using proper communication tactics tends to be a pitfall for even the most well-meaning debt collectors since there are numerous potential violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
How can I defend myself against a debt collector like Anchor Receivables Management?
Complaints regarding a debt collector in any state may be filed with the Federal Trade Commission at or (877) FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), and complaints regarding any debt collector or other business can be made at BBB complaints. Complaints against Virginia-based debt collectors can be filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or be made by calling 1-855-411-CFPB (2372).
If you believe you have a claim for debt collection harassment or are a victim of another violation of state or federal debtor’s rights, you should speak with a consumer rights lawyer or debt collection harassment attorney immediately. Contact us today to discuss your matter and see how we can help at no cost to you.
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