Is the collection agency Absolute Collection Corp harassing you?
Dealing with debts and debt collection agencies can be extremely difficult and time consuming. Some may even attempt to use extremely underhanded methods if it means that they will get paid in the end.
One such company is Absolute Collection Corp. Although a fairly new business, they have already had quite a few complaints lodged against their company, some of which are seen as most dire.
What is Absolute Collection Corp?
Absolute Collection Corp is a company that was started back in 2008. They currently reside in San Diego, California, and is headed by their president, Mr. Mark Naiman.
Is Absolute Collection Corp a legit Debt Collection Agency?
Absolute Collection Corp is a complete and legitimate debt collection agency. They have two locations, both located within San Diego, California. Although they have been set up since 2008, they were accredited by the Better Business Bureau in 2010, and have been since that time. They currently have a rating of A- with the BBB.
Absolute Collection Corp Contact Information
Main Address: 591 Camino De La Reina Ste 1219 San Diego, CA 92108-3114
Other Location: 1455 Frazee Rd #550, San Diego, CA 92108-4301
Fax Number: 1-(619)-295-3650
Phone Number: 1-(619)-295-1200
Other Phone: 1-(800)-713-0670
Other Phone: 1-(877)-771-3323
Does Absolute Collection Corp have Complaints against them?
Absolute Collection Corp has many complaints against them. THe BBB currently has 18 customer complaints against them. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Consumer Complaint Database currently has 14 complaints logged against them, with some ranging as far back as 2013.
What kind of Complaints have been made?
The complaints range of grievances and issues that have come about. One of the most common complaints made against Absolute Collection Corp has to do with using illegal debt collector harassment practices, as well as using misleading and improper information to try to trap debtors, or gullible, people into paying for a debt that may or may not be real.
They have also been notably listed as using robo calls and threatening legal actions if a person does not pay for a debt. This includes harassing people through the wrong number, which is illegal.
Are the Practices of Absolute Collection Corp Legal?
Many of the techniques and practices that have been listed in the complaints made against Absolute Collection Corp are deemed illegal.
Although debt collection itself is a regulated and legal practice, debt collector harassment is not. This includes harassment through persistent phone calls, threatening letters and emails, and even abusive behavior through threats of legal action against you, or others that may be acquainted with you.
The list of abusive and harassing practices that are illegal can be found within the laws known as the FDCPA. The FDCPA, or Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, protects innocent people such as yourselves against the abuse and harassment from the likes of debt collection agencies and credit card companies. These include protections from:
- Misuse or misleading and fraudulent information
- Persistent and threatening phone calls
- Robo calls being made to your home or personal phone
These are just a handful of the types of harassment that can happen on a daily basis. As such, if you feel like you have been harassed by Absolute Collection Corp, do not hesitate to reach out for help.
How can I protect myself and fight back against Absolute Collection Corp?
There are plenty of ways for you to protect yourself, through making sure you do not incur any debts or outstanding balances, and not overspending when you know you are not able to.
However, in most situations, you may already be in trouble, and need help quickly. If you or those that you are acquainted with have noticed harassment from debt collection agencies such as Absolute Collection Corp, contact us so that we can get you in touch with an experienced and knowledgeable debt collector harassment lawyer. Our lawyers and attorneys will be able to help put a stop to debt collector harassment, as well as report and shut down future debt collector harassment.
The most important bit of information in your fight is to always remain vigilant. No matter who you have at your side, it can seem like a daunting battle against such a large company and agency. If you have ever been the subject of:
- Multiple calls per week from a third party collection agency
- Multiple calls in the early morning or late night from debt collectors.
- Violent and belligerent language and harassment from debt collectors.
- Threats of arrests or poor credit due to outstanding debts.
- Having your friends, family, and coworkers harassed from debt collectors.
- Automated robocalls from third party collection agencies.
Then you may have a case available. So do not wait, make sure to give us a call at 1-800-219-3577, and get started fighting back against the debt collection harassment. We are experience debt collection harassment attorneys that will provide you with a free no obligation case evaluation
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